Free Junk Removal Lexington KY
Curbside pickup can be scheduled for appliances such as air conditioners, freezers, refrigerators, water heaters, washers, dryers, stoves and furnaces. Appliances containing Freon will be accepted, but appliances containing oil are not. Collected items will be recycled.
The city does not offer curbside collection for humidifiers, TVs, microwaves, computers, printers and other electronics. These items can be taken to the Electronic Recycling Center.
You should:
- Schedule a pickup by contacting LexCall
- Remove doors from refrigerators and freezers
- Place appliance at the curb for collection
All Fayette County residents and apartment complexes can recycle appliances at no cost by dropping them off to:
Environmental Recycling Inc.
3899 Winchester Road
Monday – Friday
7 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Other ways to recycle appliances include Kentucky Utilities' Refrigerator and Freezer Recycling program and Habitat for Humanity ReStore. If you are interested in these programs, please contact them directly.
Box spring and mattress
After contacting LexCall, place your box spring and/or mattress on the curb, flat on the ground, beside your carts.
Please make sure the item is not blocked by vehicles, fire hydrants, trees, cable wires or other objects.
Bed mattresses and mattresses from sleeper sofas may be collected separately due to possible bug infestation. When you make your service request, please alert us if there are bugs on your item.
The city will pick up to four small truck or car tires a month from homes that receive city collection services.