Free Junk Removal Madison WI
Hi, I’m John Patterson and I opened my 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Madison franchise for business on January 1, 2005. Our full-service junk removal franchise serves Dane, Jefferson and Waukesha County, in addition to the grater Madison area. You can often see our 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Truck Team Members near the intersection of Whitney Way and University Avenue having a good time waving while wearing our blue wigs. If you see us, be sure to give us a honk! Our junk trucks are also hard to miss and can be found parked at Midvale, East Washing Ave, Allen Blvd, Speedway Drive, Park Street, and the Beltline.
We pride ourselves on donating useable items to St Vincent DePaul on behalf of our customers. We also recycle metal items at All Metal Recycling on Park Street. Computer monitors, refrigerators, microwaves, and dehumidifiers all contain toxic materials that must be disposed of properly. So in Madison we utilize Moor's Salvage located on Edna Taylor Parkway to recycle these items.
Our 1-800-GOT-JUNK? Madison franchise has been featured locally in the Cap Times, The Isthmus, The Wisconsin State Journal, In Business, On Wisconsin Magazine, WISC TV 3, and WKOW TV 27.