July 18, 2018

Culver City Junk Removal
Staff works closely with the community in hopes of gaining voluntary compliance. However, when necessary, staff will take appropriate enforcement action necessary to gain compliance including Warning Notices, Notice of Violations and fines.
Division Staff
Division Information
310-253-5940 - Office
310-253-5824 - Fax
Culver City City Hall
9770 Culver Blvd
2nd Floor
Hours of Operation
Code Enforcement
7:30 am - 5:30 pm (Closed alternating Fridays)
Park Patrol
11:30 am - 9:30 pm daily, except Wednesdays 9:30 am - 9:30 pm
Three easy ways to file a complaint:
- Culver City Hotline (310) 253-5555
- Contact office directly (310) 253-5940
Did you know the Culver City Municipal Code?
- Prohibits placing trash cans at the curbside no earlier than sunset the day prior to collection and containers must be removed no later than midnight on the day of collection.
- Prohibits the storage of junk, trash, debris or other personal property in the yard areas.
- Prohibits the storage of wrecked, inoperable and/or abandoned vehicles in your driveway. These vehicles cannot be visible from the public right of way and must be parked on a paved surface.
- Prohibits conducting business without a license or permit, including yard sales.
- Requires permits for most alterations to a dwelling or structure prior to any construction.
- Permits only minor auto repair on residential property and only on vehicles registered to the location.
- Prohibits parking on the lawn.
- Limits the height of front yard fences and hedges to a maximum of 4 feet in residential areas.
- Prohibits posting signs in the public right-of-way.
- Permits construction only between the hours of :
8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m. Mondays through Fridays