Junk Removal Utica NY
This information is for City of Utica residents on how to set out garbage & recyclables properly to the curb. Please take time to read this information. This is our City, and by following the rules and regulations we can help keep our City clean.
Garbage (Blue Bags) and Recyclables (Orange Container/RecycleOne Decaled Container) should be placed between the sidewalk and the curb for collection.
Garbage and Recyclables are collected once a week. Set-out time is between 5 PM and 11 PM on the night before your collection day. It's against local laws to put items out except on that night. (Non-compliance may result in a violation notice.) Please remove your recycling containers and trash cans from the City curb after collection.
Each single family home is allowed to set out a maximum of 10 city blue bags each week.
Each multiple family (two or more) home and business is allowed to set out 20 blue bags each week.
General Waste Collection & Recycling Information for City of Utica Residents
Payment is required for each property. Failure to pay will result in penalties and ultimately a city tax lien against the property. Payment is due in full no later than April 30th each year. If not postmarked by April 30th, please call for new amount due.Please write your parcel or bill number on check.
P.O. BOX 527
OR, pay in person at Utica City Hall, Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m or at the Oneida-Herkimer Solid Waste Authority Main Office, Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. at 1600 Genesee Street.
Payment after the due date will be charged a 5% penalty for the first month and an additional 1% per month thereafter until the fee is paid. Any unpaid fee, as of March 10 of the following year, will be treated as a City tax lien upon the real property.
The Solid Waste Service Charge will not be considered paid until the check is honored by the bank.
Change of Address: If the property has changed ownership or if your mailing address is incorrect, please contact IN WRITING the Utica Assessor's Office, 1 Kennedy Plaza, Utica, NY 13502.
Failure to receive a Solid Waste Service Charge bill does not waive penalties or interest.
The deadline for an exemption request, pursuant to the Utica City Code Sec. 1-22-52, is February 1st.
PLEASE BE ADVISED that all bills are being sent to the property owner of record. If you have a mortgage with an escrow account for taxes and fees, and if you believe this bill should be paid from the escrow, then you should contact your bank and make arrangement for payment. We have not sent the bank a copy of the bill.
NOTE: Garbage and Recyclables should be set-out to the curb after 5 PM on the night before collection. The contractor is required to pick up all waste and recyclables by 4 PM the day of your collection. If an item is not collected by that time, please contact our office immediately. If you would like further information on how to set-out an item for collection, to receive a recycling poster or RecycleOne decal for your container of choice, please contact our office at 731-0238.