Junk Removal Somerville MA

Find your trash, recycling, and street sweeping days, or get disposal tips:
Use the tool below to find your trash day by searching for your address in the My Schedule tab. To find out how to dispose of a certain item, just click on the Waste Wizard tab and enter information about your item.
What time should I put out my trash and recycling?
Trash and recycling bins may be placed on the curbside no earlier than 4 p.m. the day prior to your scheduled pickup, and no later than 7 a.m. on pickup day. Empty barrels must be removed from sidewalk by 7 p.m. on trash collection day.
Be a good neighbor: cover your trash barrel.
Trash barrels must be stored with covers during the week, but covers may be removed once barrels are placed on the sidewalk for collection to avoid damage to the cover or loss. Keeping your barrels covered keeps litter of our streets by preventing trash from blowing out of the barrel and helps with rodent control.
What can I recycle with curbside pickup?
Most household packaging, plastics, papers, and aluminum can go in your City-issued Zero-Sort recyling cart. No need to sort. It all goes in one cart. Here's an A to Z list of clean items you can put in your Zero-Sort cart:
- Aerosol cans (metal): Must be empty. Remove cap from can. PLEASE dispose of paints, cleansers, automotive sprays via household hazardous waste drop-off.
- Aseptic packaging: Wax-covered or foiled line containers such as juice boxes
- Aluminum cans
- Aluminum foil: Only completely clean foil can be recycled.
- Books: Paperbacks only (hardcover books are not recyclable).
- Bottles: Glass bottles and glass containers
- Boxboard and paperboard: Cereal boxes, dry food boxes, paper egg cartons, shoe boxes, tissue boxes, paper towel and toilet paper cores, pizza boxes. PLEASE remove all food wasteand remove plastic liners. Large amounts of cardboard boxes must be broken down into 3ft x 3ft pieces, bundled up and tied together.
- Cans (metal): Food and beverage cans only. Labels are OK. Place lids in can.
- Cans of compressed gas/air duster: Make sure there is no compressed air left in the can. Once it is empty, puncture the can.
- Cardboard (corrugated): Empty. Staple, tape and labels are OK. NO strapping or string, NO wax-coated cardboard, no paint or oil stains, no foam/Styrofoam packing materials.
- Envelopes and opened mail: White, colored, gummed and window envelopes. Remove non-paper items such as plastic cards or CDs. Labels are OK. NO Tyvek or plastic envelopes or bubblewrap-padded envelopes.
- Egg cartons
- Foil: Clean
- Glass: Rinse clean. Food and beverage containers only. NO lightbulbs, window glass, Pyrex, or ceramics.
- Magazines: Staples and labels are OK.
- Newspapers: All sections and advertising inserts. NO plastic wrapping. Do not tie with string.
- Paper (white & colored): Plain and glossy, printed, letterhead, copier paper, brochures, file folders (leave on plastic tabs and metal strips), manila folders, craft paper, index cards, construction paper, non-metallic wrapping paper, tissue paper, cards. Stapels are OK. NO paper towels, facial tissues, stickers, or sticker backing paper.
- Paperback books: Paperback books, phone books, and catalogs. NO hardcovers. NO plastic wrapping.
- Pie pans (aluminum): Clean
- Pizza boxes: Only clean boxes
- Plastics 1-7: Any plastic item numbered 1-7 (look on the bottom for the number), as well as rigid plastics such as plastic toys, plastic chairs, etc. Includes plastic bottles, jugs, containers, dairy tubs (for yogurt), laundry baskets, take-out containers, flower pots and trays. NO Styrofoam, filmy products such as plastic bags, housewares, motor oil containers, biodegradable plastics.
- Shredded Paper: Place with recycling in a clear see-through plastic bag
- Wrapping paper: Matte, glossy, non-metallic. NO metalic papers.